The Church-Growth Movement (Seeker-Sensitive) is about having large numbers of people in the church by any means necessary rather than with the pure gospel.
Word of Faith Movement
The Word of Faith Movement, also known as the prosperity gospel, is an attempt to utilize God for personal benefit based upon supposed truths from the Bible.
Spiritual Formations
Biblical ideas like sanctification, discipleship, & prayer have taken on new meanings in many institutions titled Spiritual Formations (Spiritual Disciplines).
Emergent Church Movement
The Emergent Church Movement is all about a new church, relevant and sensitive to the culture, appearing on the scene for a world that is “searching.”
New Apostolic Reformation
The New Apostolic Reformation emphasizes “new apostles/prophets,” spiritual warfare, & inaccurately views that Christians are to establish dominion over society.
Signs & Wonders Movement
The Signs & Wonders Movement (Third Wave) is all about “power evangelism” and miracles, healings, prophecies, and speaking in tongues rather than the gospel.
The ‘Jesus’ Who Stood At A Fork In The Road
The Purpose Driven Life® by Rick Warren presents “a different Jesus.” The name is impregnated with a meaning other than that of the real Jesus.
Moving Off The Sure Foundation
Scripture is the only sure foundation for Christians. What happens when there is a subtle shift off of God’s Word? We cover several examples here.
Review: The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson
The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson presents a legend as a sacred symbol for Christians to emulate. But is it biblical? This book review explains.
40 Days that Start with a Different Gospel
Did you know the 40 Days of Purpose by Rick Warren presents a false gospel? This review of the introductory video shows you that reality.
Review: The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
Have you considered the message of The Jesus Storybook Bible? This review explains that it is actually an unbiblical view of God the Father and the nature of the fall.
Who is Winning the Infiltration Battle?
Postmodernism declared everyone’s truth was equally valid and everyone had a right to their own truth claims. But likewise, the culture can more easily infiltrate the Postmodern Church. Who will win the infiltration contest?