A Different Agenda
Have you noticed that in many churches the stumbling block message of Jesus Christ crucified has taken a back seat to other things? Namely “connectedness.” The visible church’s overarching goal has become “to connect.”
What do we mean by this? People are number one. It is the socialization/incorporation of a person into the church that has become of first importance. This is no secret. There are multiple ways in which this is manifesting itself.
First, the attracting of people is apparent through all of the church’s “amenities” – the things the church offers. From cafes and coffee, to comfortable dress codes, to comfortable seating, to images everywhere, to theatrical displays, to lights and entertainment, people can get whatever will please them.
Now, of course, those things in and of themselves are not sinful, but should they be the goal of the church? The main attraction?
Second, as mentioned above, the world does not love the message of the cross, but rather is offended by it. Let me ask you, would the world be offended to go to and sit through a church service that gives them what makes them feel good and offers whatever they will “connect” with? Of course not. In fact, they have actually been put at ease and their consciences have been appeased, and they enjoy coming week in and week out.
The offense of the gospel message has been ever so craftily removed. Words like sin, rebellion, hell, etc. are no longer heard. The truth is not being shared candidly and with great clarity, and no one knows what they are missing. The actual ministry focus has shifted from the object – God – to the new object – self. Terms like “my purpose,” “my story,” “my experience,” are heard. Faith is now centralized in self, based upon feeling and experience rather than God and His objective Word.
Thus, we must wonder whether the people sitting in the church pews have actually been confronted by the One who came to save them from sin. When has true repentance and actual conversion to Jesus Christ occurred? Unfortunately, if such a preoccupation with some immediate creature connectedness is successful, it is often an inoculation to real salvation.
Third, the “connectedness” is heightened by a call to become a “world-changing” influence. After all, why wouldn’t anyone want to help change the world? Look at the mess we are in! So, get on the bandwagon. Come join the church’s “mission” to be an influence in a particular community. There is no longer a specific call to evangelize the lost whom Jesus came to seek and save. There is a new spirit of inclusiveness for people of all churches (or faiths) to get aboard in service to build, with human hands, the kingdom of God upon the earth.
Fourth, the deception is enhanced by leaders who function more like CEOs than actual Biblical preachers of Jesus Christ and shepherds of His flock. These new corporations operate just like any other worldly corporations, with the success of those leaders measured in terms of money, influence, and numbers. Shepherding (or pastoring) has now become directly related to the feel-good and consumer-driven contentment and commitment they have elicited from their flocks. These leaders permeate the American church stages with their stylish spirituality and are committed to religious compromise rather than boldly proclaiming the offense of the cross of Jesus Christ.
All these things have crept in and the flame has been fanned as if they actually represent true growth in Christ and the church. They do not. They clearly reflect the opposite attitude of what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and 2 Corinthians 2:14-17.
Instead, we have the worldly church that caters to man’s fallen interests and panders to the Word of God. It loves to use Biblical language and ideas, but they are used to manipulate the masses into the new paradigm rather than a true conversion. The pure preaching of Jesus Christ and Him crucified from the pulpit is removed. They quote Scripture – to lead astray – just like the devil did when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. The Lord resisted the devil’s temptations with true truth and so should every Christian.
But the world now feels welcomed in the church because they are not called to repent. They are immersed in a new brand of “Christianity” that has little regard for actual truth. This is just a delusional technique of our adversary to lead towards globalized false worship – as if it is real spiritual worship of the true God by a chosen people.