Is Revelation in Chronological Order?
Revelation is more of a montage. Some of the chapters are in chronological order, but many overlap each other. Our charts give a visual explanation of this.
Revelation is more of a montage. Some of the chapters are in chronological order, but many overlap each other. Our charts give a visual explanation of this.
There are several reasons why the Book of Revelation is hard to understand. Grasping these five should give confidence to keep reading & studying the book!
The Beast from the Earth in Revelation 13 is one of three main players in the global system at the end of this age, along with the Beast from the Sea and the Great Harlot.
The Beast from the Earth is a prominent player in the final world system. There are several facets to it including a leader (The False Prophet), mark, & image.
We must correctly understand the four horsemen of the apocalypse in order to properly understand the rest of Revelation. Who are they and what is their mission?
2 Thessalonians 2:3 states specifically that the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist, will be revealed in the end times. Scripture tells us the circumstances.
The two witnesses of Revelation 11 proclaim a message of repentance and judgment for a period of 1,260 days during the first half of the end-time tribulation.
The trumpets and bowls found in Revelation are specific events of God’s judgments that will take place at the end of the age. They are very similar to each other.
Some believe John’s experience in Revelation 4:1-2 is representative of the rapture of the church before the seven year tribulation period. Is this the case?
It was towards the end of Domitian’s reign that John received the vision. We could surmise about 91-96 A.D. And he wrote Revelation while he was still on the island of Patmos.
The book of Revelation uses the term Babylon 6 times in 4 different contexts. Each use is pertinent in understanding the course of end-time events.
The Laodicean Church of Revelation is much like the modern-day church in its compromises with worldliness. Listen to this great sermon on Revelation 3:14-22!
The Beast from the Sea is one of three main players in the final world kingdom. Its leader is the Antichrist. He has several defining characteristics and doings.
Trying to understand the book of Revelation can be hard. This article explains the significance of the ten horns of the beast from the sea (Revelation 13 & 17).
The Beast from the Sea in Revelation 13 has seven heads which represent seven different kingdoms. What kingdoms? And why does this beast come out of the sea?
The Great Harlot Woman of Revelation 17 symbolizes false faith. See what Scripture says about the whore of Babylon’s importance in the course of end-time events.