Catholic Contemplative prayer techniques and spirituality is often hidden by the code word “Spiritual Formation.” It’s incursion into Evangelicalism is deep and broad.
Orrel Steinkamp
The Plumbline NewslettersWho is Winning the Infiltration Battle?
Postmodernism declared everyone’s truth was equally valid and everyone had a right to their own truth claims. But likewise, the culture can more easily infiltrate the Postmodern Church. Who will win the infiltration contest?
“Staged Managed” Ecumenism
Ecumenical coalitions and ad hoc alliances are forming. They are being forged by a small cadre of seeker-driven megachurch celebrity pastors/authors.
The Evangelical Gelding is Neutered
Many local pastors have been swept along by the rapid cultural changes entering the church. Believers happily give their shepherds the role of discernment.
Panentheism! What is that?
Panentheism is enjoying a phenomenal resurgence even though it never employs the term. It is well hidden by such terms as ‘Spiritual Formation’ and ‘Spiritual Disciplines.’
Scazzero Scares Me
Scazzero’s mission is to introduce Catholic contemplative prayer and practice to evangelicals, avoiding the term Catholic but using “Contemplative Prayer”.
The Controlling Mythology Underlying the Dominion Mandate
In recent decades a radically different script of salvation, a different worldview, has entered the church. It is called the Dominion Mandate.
The Gospel: Going, Going, Going, Goi…..
There is a false teaching right in front of us – a fast moving departure from the gospel.
The Atonement Wars: There is No Substitute for Substitution
Many major voices identified and accepted as fellow evangelicals now chime in to challenge and target the Penal Substitutionary Atonement
“Pragmatic Evangelicalism” Has Peaked
For most of a generation, evangelicals have been romanced by the ‘seeker-sensitive’ movement…Pragmatic evangelicalism has appeared to be enormously successful appealing to the “self.”
Novelty and Change Will Lead Them
There exist today hundreds of people in Christian think tanks & agencies whose whole view of ministry is to promote & induce cultural change into the church.
Schuller Planted, Hybels Watered, Warren (Peter Drucker) Gives the Increase
Pastors and leaders, desperate to increase their numbers and thus validate their ministries, have with the best of intentions altered the focus of the Gospel.
Braveheart vs. Mister Rogers: John Eldredge’s Walk on the Wild Side
The basic contention of Wild at Heart by John Eldredge is that God created man with a wild heart because God Himself is wild at heart. But how does Scripture describe man?
Divination Finds Further Expression in the Evangelical Church
Divination generally refers to attempts to learn “hidden things” that cannot be known by normal means. Divination is condemned in Scripture and therefore a very negative term.
The “Script” Underlying Spiritual Warfare Christianity
In recent decades, a radically different script of salvation history worldview has entered the scene. Spiritual Warfare Christianity promises heretofore unheard-of success in evangelism and rapid church growth.
Leadership/Managerial Techniques “Transform” New Paradigm Churches
The new paradigm usage of the word “transformation” has little to do with the Apostle Paul’s idea of transformation found in Romans 12:2.
Measuring the Mixture
The Church is free to use the tools of the culture, but must be careful, regarding the content of what is presented. There is danger in integrating the ideas of reigning popular culture into the Gospel. Within our culture, change may be a good thing, but within the Gospel, change is never a good thing.
Niche Marketing, Audience-Driven, Full Service Churches: How We Got Here?
The Church Growth Movement has become the main focus of many churches in evangelicalism. Like many movements, it is a grand mixture of things good, bad, and in-between.
Flags and Banners…Spiritual Power Tools?
Tabernacle of David teaching often accompanies excessively emotional worship, saying it is a necessary ritual to invoke and attract the manifest presence of God.
The Restoration of Davidic Warfare/Worship
Over the past decades music has gained an unprecedented prominence in the church. Many worship leaders spend more time with the congregation than pastors do expounding the Word of God.
By Orrel Steinkamp
The Plumbline
Used by Permission
Contact Info:
Orrel Steinkamp
74425 County Road 21
Renville, MN 56284
The Plumbline Purpose
We desire to inform the body of Christ of a wide range of beliefs and practices current in the church today. We pray the information provided will (1) reveal the unbiblical nature of certain teachings and practices, and (2) turn hearts back to authentic biblical Christianity. We do not claim to know all things, but humbly serve the body of Christ. Plumbline has no subscription fee and relies on the donations of its readers to meet all expenses.