The brief Old Testament Book of Haggai contains a remarkable promise from God to His people. He gives a reminder of something that will occur in the future!
Equipping the Saints
Discernment & the Christian Walk
A Church Made Up of Consumers?
Have many churches embraced a consumer-driven, church-growth model of “outreach”? Could they have a different purpose other than preaching Christ crucified?
Kindling Your Own Fire
Isaiah 50 is about waiting for the pure light of God’s Word. We should never attempt to kindle our own fire nor settle for the tiki-torches of man-made light.
What Is Spiritual Formation and Is It Biblical?
Spiritual formation can be confused with sanctification. So, what exactly is it? What is the underlying theology of spiritual formation? We navigate these questions in this article.
What Does “Test the Spirits” Mean?
Christians are commanded to test the spirits in 1 John 4:1. In this article, we explain why and how are we to do this?
What is True Christian Community?
Christian community should be quite different from the world. It should be based in a relationship with God, truth, and obedience. The Bible calls it fellowship.
What Does Loyalty to Jesus Look Like?
It is not unusual to have loyalties. Scripture speaks of a loyalty that should far exceed any other. The standard of loyalty was set by Jesus Himself.
How to Have Godly Confidence
Christians are saved from the wrath of God and the penalty of sin. Still, we must give account on the day of judgment. We can have full confidence toward that day!
Should Christians Listen for a “Still Small Voice”?
Many people think 1 Kings 19:12 teaches that God whispers gentle things to Christians through a “still small voice.” But, a closer look at the phrase is quite revealing!
The Importance of Spiritual Discernment
Christian discernment is not about being critical or judgmental. It is about loving God enough to base our actions upon His standards and not our own. God’s holy name is at stake.
What Does “Be Still” From Psalm 46:10 Actually Mean?
Does “be still” mean we are to enter into silence? Be still, as God intended, means something quite different, and this post will help show you.
How Does God Speak?
How do Christians hear from God? Does God speak directly? We answer these questions by reviewing a video transcript of a popular “hearing God’s voice” teacher.
Hearing God’s Voice
Does God speak to Christians personally? Is there individual revelation for us beyond what is in the Scriptures? “Hearing God” is a matter of where and how we hear Him.
The Church’s New Agenda
Have you noticed the stumbling block of the gospel has taken a back seat to other things in many churches? The visible church’s overarching goal has become “to connect.”
The ‘Jesus’ Who Stood At A Fork In The Road
The Purpose Driven Life® by Rick Warren presents “a different Jesus.” The name is impregnated with a meaning other than that of the real Jesus.
Moving Off The Sure Foundation
Scripture is the only sure foundation for Christians. What happens when there is a subtle shift off of God’s Word? We cover several examples here.
40 Days that Start with a Different Gospel
Did you know the 40 Days of Purpose by Rick Warren presents a false gospel? This review of the introductory video shows you that reality.