With the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023, Todd Friel of Wretched presents the above video. He asks if we should be concerned about Israel, as it seems there is a bit of a war inside the church regarding the issue. In other words, does the church “replace” Israel in God’s overall plan? Or does God still have something specific regarding the nation of Israel? Friel tackles the issue by explaining some tough theological words like eschatological, supersessionism (replacement theology), dispensationalism, post-millenniallism, pre-tribulationism, amillenniallism, and hermeneutics.
Friel also looks at “noted theologians in history who believed in a future conversion of national-ethnic Israel.” You may be quite surprised at the people on the list! Take a listen!
For More on Israel and End-Time Events
War on Israel – Ezekiel 38-39 By David Sheldon
Is The War of Ezekiel 38-39 The Same War as The Battle of Armageddon By David Sheldon
Who Are Gog and Magog? By David Sheldon
End Time Events: A Brief Overview By David Sheldon
Is Revelation in Chronological Order? By David Sheldon
Will Christians Know Who the Antichrist Will Be? (Order of End-Time Events) By David Sheldon