4 Truth Ministry

New Apostolic Reformation

March 07, 2022

false teaching

New Apostolic Reformation Overview

The main distinction of the New Apostolic Reformation is in the use and exaltation of those who supposedly receive new revelations from God. These “new apostles and prophets” supposedly have a fresh authority from God that they believe is Biblical. Those in the New Apostolic Reformation overemphasize spiritual warfare as well as have an inaccurate view that Christians are to establish dominion over society.

New Apostolic Reformation Roots

Peter Wagner, a common name in the Church-Growth Movement (CGM) and the Signs & Wonders Movement (S&W), was the initial leader of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Much of the bad theology and extra-biblical methodology of the CGM and S&W movements is present in the NAR. It has several elements of the Word-Faith Movement as well, especially in reference to the teachings on spiritual warfare. It emphasizes the authority of new apostles and prophets by establishing the “Kingdom of God” here on earth. By that we mean the “taking over” of all areas of life in this fallen evil world through various spiritual techniques – dominion theology.

The idea in dominion theology is that Christians are to take back dominion over the earth from the devil (with God’s help of course.) There are seven spheres of influence that are to be controlled in dominion theology: Education, Religion, Family, Business, Government/Military, Arts/Entertainment, and the Media.

But the Kingdom of God is neither a technique nor a “changing of the guard” mandate. It is a person, Jesus Christ the King, who has brought salvation to His people and will bring His Kingdom when He comes on the clouds of heaven at the end of this present evil age. The Kingdom of God is His present and personal reign over the lives of His own. His own believe Him and obey Him in the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ is now the Sovereign Lord, at the right hand of God The Father. He is never any more or less in charge!

As for the church, it should obey Scriptural commands in relation to the spheres of influence. But there is no Biblical mandate to “take over” these spheres in their entirety in the fallen world. The church is to pray about all situations and maintain a clear conscience and witness in this evil age. This will be different for all situations. Humility, prayer, and steadfastness with a true and faithful witness to Jesus Christ is found when you seek God in prayer and in the Scripture!

Until His return, we preach the gospel, make disciples, and bear good fruits in accordance with the gospel. There are no overt apostolic commands in the Word like those in the dominion theology thinking found in the NAR. There is no mandate that says “the church has embraced this agenda and reached its appointed goal when these outward spheres of influence have been ‘conquered’ (so to speak) and we can safely say we have done our kingdom duty.”

Because this movement will impose itself upon churches and institutions, we can expect to experience its influence whether we like it or not. It can be quite militant.

New Apostolic Reformation

Initial Leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation

    • Peter Wagner
    • Chuck Pierce
    • Bob Jones
    • Cindy Jacobs
    • Mike Bickle
    • Rick Joyner
    • Lou Engle

For More on the New Apostolic Reformation

New Apostolic Reformation 101 Chris Rosebrough’s podcast interviewing Holly Pivec

-The book mentioned in this interview is A New Apostolic Reformation?: A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement By R. Douglas Geivett & Holly Pivec

The New Apostolic Reformation: A Second Pentecost? By Orrel Steinkamp

The Six Hallmarks of a NAR Church Pirate Christian

What is the New Apostolic Reformation? Michelle Lesley

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